
I'm Jessica Riccardi, an Art Director with 10+ years of experience in print and digital design. I'm a strong visual storyteller, with a proven record of delivering creative and innovative design solutions. I am a visionary and strategic leader, focused on conceptualizing and executing compelling campaigns. I am accustomed to working in a fast-paced environment and extremely detail-oriented. Expert in print production processes and maintaining vendor relationships, ability to coordinate, prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Pediatrics Food Supplements

This pediatric food supplement collection was created to satisfy all the nutritional needs of babies and children. Each product in the collection has been carefully formulated to provide essential vitamins and nutrients that support healthy growth and development. To make the products more appealing and engaging, I chose to create colorful packaging and assign each product an animal that corresponds to the properties of the food supplement. For instance, a panda represents probiotics, symbolizing calm and balance; a giraffe represents vitamin D, reflecting growth and height; and a lion represents iron, symbolizing strength and vitality. The packaging designs are dynamic and fun, which will help them stand out on crowded pharmacy shelves in a competitive market.

jessicariccardi single product image
jessicariccardi single product image
jessicariccardi single product image
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